Artists Currently in Our Gallery
Local Artists of Baton Rouge
Elizabethan Gallery is proud to showcase local artists of Baton Rouge in the gallery. With a variety of works and mediums, you’re sure to find a piece you love. In our collection, you will find everything from contemporary paintings to stunning photography, all created with a level of craftsmanship and creative flair that truly highlights the vast talent present in our vibrant city.
The diversity of styles, techniques, and materials on display is a testament to the boundless creativity of Baton Rouge’s artistic community.
The gallery’s eclectic mix of artwork offers an immersive experience that appeals to the discerning art connoisseur and novice enthusiast alike. Whether it’s a large, bold canvas that speaks volumes or a quiet, nuanced sketch that invites contemplation, the pieces on display from local artists in Baton Rouge promise to captivate and inspire.

Visit our gallery and view what the local artists of Baton Rouge have created.
Elizabethan Gallery Supports Local Artists
Elizabethan Gallery supports the growth of Baton Rouge’s local artists by hosting art shows and receptions that provide art lovers the unique opportunities to learn more about the craft, meet the artists, and hear their stories. This vibrant hub of creativity enables the artists to share their inspiration and allows art lovers to engage with the process behind the art they adore.
Visit Elizabethan Gallery
Our gallery is conveniently located in the heart of Baton Rouge, with visiting hours to suit all schedules. Plan a day to soak in the spirit of local artistry, and you’ll be amazed at what you discover. We are committed to providing an inclusive space where art from local artists of Baton Rouge can be appreciated, discussed, and acquired.
Call to All Artists
Partner with our Gallery to showcase your work by signing up below!